Joining DTTAG helps a Travel Agents business to become more visible, introduces them to important industry partners, and connect with a variety of businesses and bodies that help Travel Agents to succeed. By becoming a member, Agents are able to promote their products/ services; secure new customers; tap into industry knowledge and research.
Overall, we will seek to protect and promote the mutual interests of our members, combat unfair competition, and promote the integrity and patronage of DTTAG members.
DTTAG is committed to managing the growth and development of Travel & Tourism services through its members.

Let’s Grow Our Community Together
Networking within DTTAG members and its partners can be beneficial to your business.
DTTAG is actively in touch with the Airlines and IATA and is an active member of IATA’s APJC (Agency Program Joint Council) where matters and issues related to Agencies and Airlines are discussed and debated.
We share best practices and negotiate on behalf of agents with Airlines, GDS providers, etc.
We will provide subsidized industry training for members on a regular basis.
We encourage all our industry partners to join us in helping shape the future of the Travel industry in Dubai and UAE, as a whole.